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Real Estate Investing

Why Some Real Estate Losses Will NOT Reduce Your Taxes

Why Some Real Estate Losses Will NOT Reduce Your Taxes
As you probably already know, there are many different types of entities available to investors. C corporations are often frowned upon due to their issue of double taxation. The corporation pays tax on the profit each year, and then any […]

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A Beginner’s Guide To Buy & Hold Real Estate

A Beginner’s Guide To Buy & Hold Real Estate
Long term rental properties are widely considered one of the best ways to diversify any real estate portfolio. The right buy and hold real estate can yield both short term gains and long term appreciation. There are many investors who […]

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Renting vs. Buying for Millennials: 3 Cities to Consider

Renting vs. Buying for Millennials: 3 Cities to Consider
While buying is largely considered financially savvier than renting on a national level due to almost historically low interest rates and increasing rents in major metros, loan restrictions and struggling to save for a down payment while renting delays homeownership […]

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