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1031 Tax Exchanges

Why Consider A 1031 Tax Exchange?

Why Consider A 1031 Tax Exchange?
When you are selling an investment property can be subject to taxation. Those taxes can add up quickly depending on the type of property, how long it was owned, state taxes, capital gains, depreciation and the owner’s tax bracket. As […]

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IRS Revenue procedure regarding Section 199A, it affects you and how you calculate your taxes.

IRS Revenue procedure regarding Section 199A, it affects you and how you calculate your taxes.
Once again IRS revenue procedures have been updated. In this case, the changes relate to businesses. These savings may be garnered with an additional deduction of up to 20% of the taxpayers qualified business income, for non-corporate taxpayers, operating through […]

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Defining the True Value of Turnkey Real Estate Investment

Defining the True Value of Turnkey Real Estate Investment
For some real estate investors, turnkey real estate is an elusive idea. It doesn’t quite make sense. After all, at first glance—some of the pieces of the turnkey real estate puzzle don’t seem to add up! For inexperienced investors or […]

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Thing You Need to Know About a 1031 Tax Exchange

Thing You Need to Know About a 1031 Tax Exchange
The identification period in an IRC Section 1031 delayed exchange begins on the date the taxpayer transfers the relinquished property and ends at midnight on the 45th calendar day thereafter. To qualify for a 1031 tax-deferred exchange, the tax code […]

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